It must be January. Because I wish I had someone to tell me what to do and how to do it. Granted, I prefer not to be in a hole in the basement with the orchestrator of my life being a serial killer, but you get the idea.
I am the worst winter person ever and I find it so difficult to get motivated. My house needs to be completely lit with those Seasonal Affective Disorder lights. I need them spotlighted on my noggin to trick me into thinking it's Spring. Right now? I have boxes all over the living room surrounding a tree that needs to come down and Christmas crap that needs to be put away. I have sheets that need changing and a Nana that needs to be visited in the rehab center. (She is doing great, by the way). I need to go to the gym and sloth on the elliptical and oh, P.S.: we have no groceries. I have to work in two days and also have some dude coming on Wednesday to fix our TV, which takes about six minutes to turn on. (I find it somewhat amusing to watch the TV try to start, I will it to just grunt because if it grunted, it would help. Please note that the boy people in the house do not share my amusement). I am getting Cable Guy reminiscent hives in apprehension for Wednesday. I curse the people who cut our combined time off at work, I desperately need a mental health day.
I am digressing. I need Ritalin. I need to get going. I would make a list but then I would start drawing on it and then I would want new pens and then I would go to Casey's art box for them and then I would notice she needs her quilt washed and then and then and then...
OK - regroup. Slacker Radio to the rescue. My "Clean the House" Compilation. Prince, The Time, Michael Jackson, George Clinton "Do Fries Go With That Shake?" All the musical gems that make me unable to sit still.
WHOOP - I am momentarily motivated. So long holidays - come on May. You can get me moving but you can't make me like Michigan in the winter.
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